
Watchmen instacast
Watchmen instacast

watchmen instacast watchmen instacast

The fight against the Ghaunadaur worshippers is unimproved. Visaj is only level 16, so we will be safe from him.Īlthough we could go to the upper level, there is a fight there against a Noble Efreeti that we're not ready for just yet. We want to use the quickloot menu and autopause on enemy dead to pick up the loot before we get teleported out.

watchmen instacast

Fighting him and Visaj is worth a total of 26k XP. Unfortunately, Rir's scroll is undroppable, so this is only our second spare scroll (third total).īeing nice to Jarlaxle is worth 10k XP. This quest has some very nice rewards - as well as increasing our reputation back up to 20, our loot includes scrolls of Permanency and Improved Haste. Because we specifically asked about the name earlier, we can solve this quest the good way. This should be easy for us at this point. We protect ourself with ProFire and PFME, along with II and SI:Div.įurther in, we have a fight against five skeleton lords.

watchmen instacast

Since we are 5 levels above, we can dispel with 99% probability. Threatening him for the rope has no downside and saves us money, so we do that.ĭeirex is level 20, lower than most liches. Once we have gotten the mission to find the blood samples, Visaj appears. Therefore, we have a solution: Set up the double betrayal, interrupt the casting by killing Phaere and Ardulace, then slaughter the drow city on our way out. Telling the Lesser Demon Lord to go away once it is summoned: 25k XP.Returning blood samples to Ardulace: 50k XP(28 + 22) (no matter how many samples we have or what combination).Reporting back to Phaere: 30k XP (either way of resolving the quest).We've got a lot of options to tackle here, so let's look at the total XP breakdown: In the last part, we got partway through the Ust Natha questline, stopping just after we got the quest to kill Solaufein.

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Watchmen instacast